This step is done as many times as necessary until the figure is completely filled with rhinestone.
Choose the heart and clic on “path/inset” and repeat steps 4-5.Select the circle and the heart then clic on menu Extensions/generate from path/ scatter.Select the circle and clic on PATH/object to path and after clic on menu OBJECT/RAISE TO TOP.Now we draw a circle by pressing the CTRL+SHIFT key, as the example we will do is to use rhinestone 10ss so this circle must have a size of 0.13 inches.Select the option “preference” from menu “edit” after in “behavior/ Steps” set 0.13 to inset/outset.When we already have the heart shape created, then we click on the tool “UNION” that is in the menu “PATH”. Draw an oval and turn it a little, then duplicate it with the keys ctrl+d and apply mirror. At the end you will find a video with the step by step How to Make a Rhinestone Patterns in Inkscape Of course you can also use it with any other application of cutting machines. You will learn to create a fill crystal pattern, bling design for use with your cricut in the design space app. For fill a shape with rhinestone we’ll use the free software INKSCAPE.